When was Nuri Şahin born?

Q: When was Nuri Şahin born?

A: Nuri Şahin was born on 5 September 1988.

Q: What is Nuri Şahin's profession?

A: Nuri Şahin is a football player.

Q: Which club does Nuri Şahin play for?

A: Nuri Şahin plays for Werder Bremen.

Q: Which national team does Nuri Şahin play for?

A: Nuri Şahin plays for the Turkey national team.

Q: What is Nuri Şahin's position in football?

A: The information on Nuri Şahin's position in football is not provided in the given text.

Q: Has Nuri Şahin won any awards or titles in his career?

A: The information on Nuri Şahin's awards or titles in his career is not provided in the given text.

Q: Is Nuri Şahin a well-known football player?

A: As the information provided in the given text implies that Nuri Şahin is a professional football player and has played for his national team, it can be assumed that he is a well-known football player.

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