Where is North Gyeongsang Province located?

Q: Where is North Gyeongsang Province located?

A: North Gyeongsang Province is located in South Korea.

Q: What are the coordinates of North Gyeongsang Province?

A: The coordinates of North Gyeongsang Province are 36°34′N 128°43′E / 36.567°N 128.717°E / 36.567; 128.717.

Q: When was Gyeongsang Province divided into North and South?

A: Gyeongsang Province was divided into North Gyeongsang and South Gyeongsang in 1896.

Q: What was the capital of North Gyeongsang Province from 1896 to 1981?

A: The capital of North Gyeongsang Province from 1896 to 1981 was Daegu.

Q: When did Daegu leave North Gyeongsang Province?

A: Daegu left North Gyeongsang Province in 1981.

Q: When did the capital of North Gyeongsang Province change to Andong?

A: The capital of North Gyeongsang Province changed to Andong in 2016.

Q: How much of South Korea's land does North Gyeongsang Province have?

A: North Gyeongsang Province has 19% of South Korea's land.

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