Who was Norman Nathan Lloyd?

Q: Who was Norman Nathan Lloyd?

A: Norman Nathan Lloyd was an American actor, producer, and director.

Q: When was Norman Nathan Lloyd born and when did he pass away?

A: Norman Nathan Lloyd was born on November 8, 1914, and he passed away on May 11, 2021.

Q: For what television role is Norman Nathan Lloyd known?

A: Norman Nathan Lloyd is known for his television role as Dr. Daniel Auschlander in St. Elsewhere.

Q: How long did Norman Nathan Lloyd's career last?

A: Norman Nathan Lloyd's career lasted for more than ninety years.

Q: What was Norman Nathan Lloyd's role in Modern Family?

A: Norman Nathan Lloyd made a guest appearance on Modern Family in 2010.

Q: Apart from acting, in what other two professions did Norman Nathan Lloyd work?

A: Apart from acting, Norman Nathan Lloyd also worked as a producer and director.

Q: When did Norman Nathan Lloyd make his guest appearance in Modern Family?

A: Norman Nathan Lloyd made his guest appearance in Modern Family in 2010.

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