Who is Nicole Jung?

Q: Who is Nicole Jung?

A: Nicole Jung is a Korean-American singer who was born on October 7, 1991.

Q: What is her full name in Hangul?

A: Her full name in Hangul is 정니콜.

Q: Where was Nicole Jung born and raised?

A: Nicole Jung was born and raised in Glendale, California.

Q: What did Nicole Jung do after she was born and raised in Glendale, California?

A: Nicole Jung moved to South Korea to pursue her dreams.

Q: What is Nicole Jung known for?

A: Nicole Jung is known for being a member of girl group Kara, which was formed by DSP Entertainment in 2007.

Q: When did Kara form?

A: Kara was formed in 2007.

Q: What is Nicole Jung's Korean name?

A: Nicole Jung's Korean name is Jung Yong-Ju in Hangul, which is 정용주.

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