Who was Nathuram Godse?

Q: Who was Nathuram Godse?

A: Nathuram Godse was the man who assassinated Mahatma Gandhi.

Q: When and where was Nathuram Godse born?

A: Nathuram Godse was born on May 19, 1910, in Baramati, Pune District, British India.

Q: Who were Nathuram Godse's parents?

A: Nathuram Godse's father was Vinayak Vaman Rao Godse, and his mother was Lakshmi (Godavari before marriage).

Q: What was Nathuram Godse's father's occupation?

A: Nathuram Godse's father was a fifteen-rupee-a-month employee of the post office.

Q: When did Nathuram Godse die?

A: Nathuram Godse died on November 15, 1949.

Q: What was the reason behind Nathuram Godse's assassination of Mahatma Gandhi?

A: Nathuram Godse was a Hindu nationalist who believed that Gandhi favored the political rights of India's Muslims over those of Hindus, which he saw as a threat to the Hindu culture and way of life, leading him to assassinate Gandhi.

Q: What is Nathuram Godse's ethnicity?

A: Nathuram Godse's ethnicity is not explicitly stated, but based on his birthplace and surname, he is believed to have been a Maharashtrian Hindu.

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