Who is Misty Copeland?

Q: Who is Misty Copeland?

A: Misty Copeland is a ballet dancer for American Ballet Theatre (ABT).

Q: What is Misty Copeland's achievement in 2007?

A: In 2007, Misty Copeland made history as the third African American to be promoted to the rank of soloist in two decades.

Q: What role did Misty Copeland play in George Balanchine's Swan Lake?

A: Misty Copeland starred as Odette in George Balanchine's Swan Lake.

Q: What is Misty Copeland's most significant achievement?

A: Misty Copeland became the first African American woman to be promoted to principal dancer in ABT's 75-year history on June 30, 2015.

Q: What is unique about Misty Copeland's rise to stardom?

A: Misty Copeland is considered a prodigy because she rose to stardom despite not starting ballet until the age of 13.

Q: How does Misty Copeland's achievements impact the ballet community?

A: Misty Copeland's achievements provide representation and inspiration for aspiring dancers of color in the ballet community.

Q: What is American Ballet Theatre (ABT)?

A: American Ballet Theatre (ABT) is one of the three leading classical ballet companies in the United States.

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