What is the African National Congress?

Q: What is the African National Congress?

A: The African National Congress (ANC) is a centre-left political party in South Africa that has been governing since the establishment of non-racial democracy in April 1994.

Q: When was the ANC founded?

A: The ANC was founded on 8 January 1912 as the South African Native National Congress (SANNC).

Q: Who were some of its founding members?

A: John Dube and Sol Plaatje were two of its founding members.

Q: Does the ANC have a military wing?

A: Yes, it has had a military wing called Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation) since 1961.

Q: How much support did it gain in 1999 elections?

A: It gained significant support in 1999 elections.

Q: How much support did it receive in 2004 elections? A: In 2004, it received 69.7% of votes.

Q: How much support did it receive in 2009 elections?

A: In 2009, its share of votes reduced slightly but remained dominant with 65.9% of votes.

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