When was Michael Adams born?

Q: When was Michael Adams born?

A: Michael Adams was born on 17 November 1971 in Truro, Cornwall.

Q: What is Michael Adams known for?

A: Michael Adams is known for being a British chess grandmaster.

Q: What was Michael Adams' highest World Ranking and when did he achieve it?

A: Michael Adam's highest world ranking was world #4 which he achieved several times from October 2000 to October 2002.

Q: What was Michael Adams' peak FIDE rating?

A: Michael Adams' peak FIDE rating was 2755.

Q: What are some of Michael Adams' achievements in World Chess Championship tournaments?

A: Michael Adams has achieved good results in World Chess Championship tournaments, reaching the final at the FIDE World Chess Championship 2004, although he narrowly lost to Rustam Kasimdzhanov in the tie-break games.

Q: How many times has Michael Adams won the British Chess Championship?

A: Michael Adams won the British Chess Championship three times, in 1989, 1997 (jointly), and 2010 and 2011.

Q: Has Michael Adams' form been consistent recently?

A: Michael Adams' results are no longer so consistent as they used to be, although he did mark a return to form with a fine score of 6½/7 in the 2011 European Club Championship.

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