Where is Meissen located?

Q: Where is Meissen located?

A: Meissen is located near Dresden, in the Free State of Saxony, in eastern Germany.

Q: How many people live in Meissen?

A: Meissen is home to about 30,000 people.

Q: What is Meissen famous for?

A: Meissen is famous for its porcelain, known as Meißen porcelain.

Q: What is the capital city of Meißen Rural District?

A: Meißen is the capital city of Meißen Rural District.

Q: What was located in Meißen during World War II?

A: A subcamp of Flossenburg concentration camp was located in Meißen during World War II.

Q: What are the Sorbian languages?

A: The Sorbian languages are a group of West Slavic languages spoken by the Sorbs, a Slavic minority in eastern Germany.

Q: What is the Latin name for Meißen?

A: The Latin name for Meißen is Misnia or Misena.

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