Who is Mehmet Topal?

Q: Who is Mehmet Topal?

A: Mehmet Topal is a professional football player from Turkey.

Q: When was Mehmet Topal born?

A: Mehmet Topal was born on March 3, 1986.

Q: Which football club does Mehmet Topal play for at the moment?

A: Mehmet Topal currently plays for Fenerbahçe, a Turkish football club.

Q: Does Mehmet Topal play for any national teams? If yes, which one?

A: Yes, Mehmet Topal plays for the Turkey national team.

Q: What is Mehmet Topal's position in the team he plays for?

A: Mehmet Topal's position is not specified, but he is known as a versatile player who can play in a number of different positions.

Q: Is Mehmet Topal considered a successful football player?

A: Yes, Mehmet Topal is a highly regarded football player, having won multiple domestic and international titles throughout his career.

Q: What is Mehmet Topal's age as of now?

A: It is not possible to determine Mehmet Topal's current age given the information provided. However, based on his birthdate of March 3, 1986, he would be 35 years old as of 2021.

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