When was Matthew Perry born?

Q: When was Matthew Perry born?

A: Matthew Perry was born on August 19, 1969.

Q: What is Matthew Perry's nationality?

A: Matthew Perry has dual nationality - Australian and Canadian.

Q: What is Matthew Perry's profession?

A: Matthew Perry is a movie and television actor.

Q: Has Matthew Perry ever been nominated for any awards?

A: Yes, Matthew Perry has been nominated for both Golden Globe and Emmy awards.

Q: What is Matthew Perry's most famous role?

A: Matthew Perry is best known for his role as Chandler Bing in the popular sitcom Friends.

Q: Which country did Matthew Perry grow up in?

A: It is not specified which country Matthew Perry grew up in. However, he holds dual Australian and Canadian nationality.

Q: Is Matthew Perry still active in the entertainment industry?

A: It is not clear from the given text if Matthew Perry is still active in the entertainment industry.

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