Who is Martin Carthy?

Q: Who is Martin Carthy?

A: Martin Carthy is an English folk singer and guitarist who played a significant role in the renewed interest in British folk music in the 1960s.

Q: What did Martin Carthy inspire?

A: Martin Carthy has inspired other musicians such as Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, and Richard Thompson with his music.

Q: What is Martin Carthy famous for?

A: Martin Carthy is famous for being one of the most important people in English folk music.

Q: What is Martin Carthy's full name?

A: Martin Carthy's full name is Martin Carthy MBE.

Q: What is Martin Carthy's contribution to British folk music?

A: Martin Carthy's contribution to British folk music is seen as significant because he was one of the first performers in the renewed interest in British folk music in the 1960s.

Q: Who else is associated with English folk music?

A: Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, and Richard Thompson are also associated with English folk music, and they were inspired by Martin Carthy's music.

Q: What distinction has Martin Carthy received?

A: Martin Carthy has received an MBE, which stands for Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.

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