What is Markiplier's real name?

Q: What is Markiplier's real name?

A: Markiplier's real name is Mark Edward Fischbach.

Q: What is Markiplier known for on YouTube?

A: He is known as a video game commentator and internet personality.

Q: When was Markiplier born?

A: Markiplier was born on June 28, 1989.

Q: What nationality is Markiplier?

A: Markiplier is American.

Q: What does Markiplier do besides creating YouTube videos?

A: Markiplier is also a charity fundraiser.

Q: What is Markiplier's YouTube username?

A: Markiplier's YouTube username is Markiplier.

Q: What kind of content does Markiplier create on YouTube?

A: Markiplier creates content related to video games and often provides commentary and reactions to them.

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