Where was Marc Janko born?

Q: Where was Marc Janko born?

A: Marc Janko was born in Vienna, Austria.

Q: What is Marc Janko's profession?

A: Marc Janko is a football striker.

Q: Which team does Marc Janko play for?

A: Marc Janko currently plays for Twente Enschede in the Dutch Eredivisie.

Q: Who is Eva Janko?

A: Eva Janko is Marc Janko's mother who won a medal in the 1968 Summer Olympics.

Q: What is the Dutch Eredivisie?

A: The Dutch Eredivisie is the highest professional football league in the Netherlands.

Q: What is Marc Janko's nationality?

A: Marc Janko is Austrian.

Q: What is Marc Janko's date of birth?

A: Marc Janko was born on 25 June 1983.

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