Who was Marcel Duchamp?

Q: Who was Marcel Duchamp?

A: Marcel Duchamp was a French artist associated with the Dadaist and Surrealist movements.

Q: What was Duchamp's influence on post-World War I Western art?

A: Duchamp's output influenced the development of post-World War I Western art.

Q: Who did Duchamp advise in terms of modern art collecting?

A: Duchamp advised modern art collectors, such as Peggy Guggenheim and other prominent figures.

Q: How did Duchamp challenge conventional thought about artistic processes and art marketing?

A: Duchamp challenged conventional thought about artistic processes and art marketing through subversive actions, such as dubbing a urinal art and naming it Fountain.

Q: What is the term that Duchamp used for his idea of 'ready-mades'?

A: Duchamp himself used the term 'ready-mades' for his idea.

Q: How many artworks did Duchamp produce?

A: Duchamp produced relatively few artworks.

Q: What is the role of the spectator according to Duchamp?

A: According to Duchamp, the spectator brings the work in contact with the external world by deciphering and interpreting its inner qualifications and thus adds his contribution to the creative act.

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