What are the coordinates of Lycée Edgar-Poe?

Q: What are the coordinates of Lycée Edgar-Poe?

A: The coordinates of Lycée Edgar-Poe are 48°52′14″N 2°20′53″E / 48.87056°N 2.34806°E / 48.87056; 2.34806.

Q: Who is the school named after?

A: The school is named after American writer Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849).

Q: What is the motto of Lycée Edgar-Poe?

A: The motto of Lycée Edgar-Poe is L’intéret pour l’élève développe l’intérêt de l’élève ("The interest for the student develops the student's interest").

Q: What type of school is it?

A: Lycée Edgar-Poe is a private secondary school in Paris.

Q: When did Edgar Allan Poe live?

A: Edgar Allan Poe lived from 1809 to 1849.

Q: Who is the director of Lycée Edgar-Poe?

A: Mrs Evelyne Clinet is the director of Lycée Edgar-Poe.

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