What is Vegalta Sendai?

Q: What is Vegalta Sendai?

A: Vegalta Sendai is a professional football club in Sendai, Japan.

Q: What is the List of Vegalta Sendai players?

A: The List of Vegalta Sendai players is a constantly evolving list of players who have played for the club throughout its history.

Q: What role do players play in the history of Vegalta Sendai?

A: The players of Vegalta Sendai are the ones who have helped create the history of the team.

Q: What kind of football club is Vegalta Sendai?

A: Vegalta Sendai is a professional football club in Japan.

Q: Where is Vegalta Sendai located?

A: Vegalta Sendai is located in the city of Sendai in Japan.

Q: How long has Vegalta Sendai been around?

A: The text doesn't provide a specific timeline for how long Vegalta Sendai has existed.

Q: What is the significance of the List of Vegalta Sendai players?

A: The List of Vegalta Sendai players is an important record of the players who have contributed to the history of the club.

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