What is the list about?

Q: What is the list about?

A: The list is about the US senators from Connecticut.

Q: How long do senators serve for?

A: Senators serve for a six-year term.

Q: When does the senator's term begin?

A: The senator's term begins on January 3.

Q: When are elections held for senators?

A: Elections for senators are held on the first Tuesday after November 1.

Q: How were senators chosen in Connecticut before 1914?

A: Before 1914, senators were chosen by the Connecticut General Assembly.

Q: Before 1935, when did the term begin for senators?

A: Before 1935, the terms for senators began on March 4.

Q: Why are senators placed in different classes?

A: Senators are placed in different classes so that senators from a state are not elected during the same year.

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