What is the list of pharaohs?

Q: What is the list of pharaohs?

A: The list of pharaohs is a compilation of all the known pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, beginning from the Early Dynastic Period up until the Ptolemaic Dynasty.

Q: When does the list of pharaohs start?

A: The list of pharaohs starts during the Early Dynastic Period, which dates back to before 3100 BC.

Q: When does the list of pharaohs end?

A: The list of pharaohs ends with the Ptolemaic Dynasty, which came to an end as Egypt became a Roman province under Julius Caesar in 30 BC.

Q: Was the list of pharaohs compiled by the Petrie Museum?

A: Yes, the list of pharaohs uses the dates developed by the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology.

Q: Are the dates given in the list of pharaohs exact?

A: The dates given in the list of pharaohs are approximate.

Q: What does the Ptolemaic Dynasty signify in Egyptian history?

A: The Ptolemaic Dynasty represents the time period when Egypt was under the rule of the Ptolemy family, who were of Macedonian-Greek origin.

Q: Who was Julius Caesar?

A: Julius Caesar was a Roman politician and military general who played a pivotal role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Under his leadership, Rome conquered territories and expanded its dominion over several foreign lands, including Egypt.

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