What is the population of Nova Scotia?
Q: What is the population of Nova Scotia?
A: As of the 2016 Census of Population, Nova Scotia has 923,598 residents.
Q: How much land area does Nova Scotia have?
A: Nova Scotia has a land area of 52,942 km2 (20,441 sq mi).
Q: What percentage of the territory's land mass is covered by its 50 municipalities?
A: The 50 municipalities in Nova Scotia cover 99.8% of the territory's land mass.
Q: What percentage of the province's population lives in these municipalities?
A: 98.9% of Nova Scotia's population lives in its 50 municipalities.
Q: Is Nova Scotia the most populous province in Canada?
A: No, it is not; it is actually the seventh-most populous province in Canada.
Q: Is it also one of the smallest provinces in terms of land area?
A: Yes, it is; it is actually the second-smallest province in terms of land area.