When was Lindsay Lohan born?

Q: When was Lindsay Lohan born?

A: Lindsay Lohan was born on July 2, 1986.

Q: Where was she born?

A: She was born in The Bronx borough of New York City.

Q: What movies has she acted in?

A: She has acted in several movies, including The Parent Trap, Life-Size, Get A Clue, Freaky Friday, Mean Girls, Confessions of a Drama Queen, Herbie Fully Loaded, Just My Luck and Georgia Rule.

Q: Who are her parents?

A: Her parents are Dina and Michael Lohan.

Q: Where did she grow up?

A: She grew up in Merrick and Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island, New York.

Q: Is she the eldest child of her family?

A: Yes, she is the eldest child of her family.

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