What is Leslie Lemke's birthdate?
Q: What is Leslie Lemke's birthdate?
A: Leslie Lemke was born on January 31, 1952.
Q: What medical conditions did Leslie have at birth?
A: At birth, Leslie was diagnosed with glaucoma, cerebral palsy, and brain damage.
Q: Who adopted Leslie when he was six months old?
A: May Lemke, a nurse, adopted him when he was six months old.
Q: How long did it take for Leslie to make progress in his development?
A: It took seven years of constant care before Leslie showed any progress.
Q: When did Leslie first learn to stand and walk?
A: He was 12 before he first learned to stand and 15 before he learned to walk.
Q: How did May encourage her son's talent for the piano?
A: May encouraged his talent for the piano by allowing him access to music and providing support as needed.
Q: What television programs has Leslie been featured on?
A: Leslie has been featured on CBC's Man Alive (hosted by Roy Bonisteel), CBS Evening News, 60 Minutes, That's Incredible!, and ABC broadcast The Woman Who Willed a Miracle.