Who is Laetitia Casta?

Q: Who is Laetitia Casta?

A: Laetitia Casta is a French actress and model.

Q: What company has Laetitia Casta been a spokesmodel for since 1998?

A: Laetitia Casta has been a spokesmodel for L'Oréal since 1998.

Q: What is Laetitia Casta known for in the fashion industry?

A: Laetitia Casta is known for being a Victoria's Secret Angel from 1998 to 2000.

Q: When was Laetitia Casta born?

A: Laetitia Casta was born on May 11, 1978.

Q: Has Laetitia Casta worked for any other major brands besides L'Oréal and Victoria's Secret?

A: The information in the provided text does not indicate if Laetitia Casta has worked for any other major brands besides L'Oréal and Victoria's Secret.

Q: Is Laetitia Casta primarily known for her work in the fashion industry or the film industry?

A: Laetitia Casta is primarily known for her work in the fashion industry, where she is a model and spokesmodel.

Q: How long has Laetitia Casta been a spokesmodel for L'Oréal?

A: Laetitia Casta has been a spokesmodel for L'Oréal since 1998.

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