When was Kurt Schumacher born?
Q: When was Kurt Schumacher born?
A: Kurt Schumacher was born on 13 October 1895 in Kulm, West Prussia (now Chełmno in Poland).
Q: What did he do when World War I started?
A: When World War I started, he left school to join the German army.
Q: How did his arm become injured?
A: In December 1914, he was badly hurt and had to have his arm removed.
Q: What did he study while at school in Berlin?
A: While at school in Berlin, he studied Law and politics.
Q: When was Schumacher elected to the national legislature (Reichstag)?
A: In 1930, Schumacher was elected to the national legislature (Reichstag).
Q: How long was Schumacher imprisoned by the Nazis?
A: He was imprisoned by the Nazis for ten years.
Q: Who set him free from concentration camps after WWII?
A: The British set him free from concentration camps after WWII.