What is the population of Kilmarnock?
Q: What is the population of Kilmarnock?
A: The population of Kilmarnock is 44,170 people.
Q: Where is Kilmarnock located?
A: Kilmarnock is located in East Ayrshire, Scotland.
Q: What language do people in Kilmarnock speak?
A: People in Kilmarnock speak Scottish Gaelic and English.
Q: Is it the largest town in Ayrshire?
A: No, it is the second largest town in Ayrshire.
Q: Are there any rivers that run through Kilmarnock?
A: Yes, the River Irvine runs through its eastern section and the Kilmarnock Water passes through it.
Q: How did the town get its name 'Bank Street'?
A: The town got its name 'Bank Street' from the fact that the Kilmarnock Water passes through it.