When was Keylor Navas born?

Q: When was Keylor Navas born?

A: Keylor Navas was born on December 15, 1986.

Q: What is Keylor Navas's profession?

A: Keylor Navas is a professional footballer.

Q: What position does Keylor Navas play on the field?

A: Keylor Navas plays as a goalkeeper.

Q: Which team does Keylor Navas play for?

A: Keylor Navas plays for Paris Saint-Germain F.C.

Q: What number shirt does Keylor Navas wear for Paris Saint-Germain F.C.?

A: Keylor Navas wears the number 1 shirt for Paris Saint-Germain F.C.

Q: Does Keylor Navas represent his country in football?

A: Yes, Keylor Navas represents the Costa Rica national football team.

Q: Does Keylor Navas wear the number 1 shirt for his national team as well?

A: Yes, Keylor Navas wears the number 1 shirt for both his club team and the Costa Rica national football team.

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