What is Kenneth Wayne Jennings III's occupation?
Q: What is Kenneth Wayne Jennings III's occupation?
A: Kenneth Wayne Jennings III is a software engineer from Salt Lake City, Utah.
Q: How much money did he win on Jeopardy!?
A: Kenneth Wayne Jennings III won a total of $2,522,700 on Jeopardy!.
Q: When was his winning streak?
A: His winning streak lasted from June 2, 2004 through November 30, 2004.
Q: Who broke his one-day record for highest earnings?
A: Roger Craig broke his one-day record for highest earnings in 2010.
Q: What religion does he belong to?
A: He is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon).
Q: Who did he compete against in the IBM Challenge in 2011?
A: In 2011, Ken competed against an artificial intelligence computer named Watson in the IBM Challenge.
Q: Who won the Jeopardy! Battle of the Decades tournament in 2014?
A Brad Rutter won the Jeopardy! Battle of the Decades tournament in 2014 and reclaimed the game show record from Jennings.