What was Karl Pearson's full name?
Q: What was Karl Pearson's full name?
A: His full name was Karl Pearson FRS.
Q: How did the spelling of his name change?
A: When he enrolled at the University of Heidelberg in 1879, they changed the spelling from "Carl Pearson" to "Karl Pearson".
Q: When did he adopt the name "KP"?
A: He adopted the name "KP" by 1884.
Q: Where did he found a university statistics department?
A: In 1911, he founded the world's first university statistics department at University College London.
Q: What is eugenics?
A: Eugenics is a social philosophy which advocates for improving human hereditary traits through selective breeding and other methods.
Q: Who was Karl Pearson's protégé and biographer?
A: His protégé and biographer was Sir Francis Galton.
Q: When was a conference held to celebrate his 150th birthday anniversary?
A: A conference was held in London on 23 March 2007 to celebrate his 150th birthday anniversary.