When was Karen Bass born?

Q: When was Karen Bass born?

A: Karen Bass was born on October 3, 1953.

Q: What congressional district has she represented since 2013?

A: Since 2013, Karen Bass has been the U.S. Representative for California's 37th congressional district.

Q: What district did she represent from 2011 to 2013?

A: From 2011 to 2013, Karen Bass represented the 33rd congressional district.

Q: What position did she hold in the California State Assembly from 2004 to 2010?

A: From 2004 to 2010, Karen Bass served as the representative for the 47th district in the California State Assembly.

Q: Who was she succeeded by as Speaker of the California Assembly (2008–2010)?

A: Karen Bass was the third African American and second woman to serve as Speaker of the California Assembly (2008–2010).

Q: In what capacity has she served since 2019?

A: Since 2019, Karen Bass has served as chair of the Black Congressional Caucus.

Q: Was she a possible candidate for Joe Biden's vice-presidential running mate in 2020?

A: Yes, Karen Bass was a possible candidate for Joe Biden's vice-presidential running mate in 2020.

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