Who was Josip Broz?

Q: Who was Josip Broz?

A: Josip Broz, nicknamed Tito, was a Yugoslav communist revolutionary who was the leader of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from 1945 until his death in 1980.

Q: What positions did he hold?

A: From 1945 to 1953 he was Prime Minister, and from 1953 to 1980 he was the President.

Q: When did Tito die?

A: Tito died on May 4, 1980.

Q: How many countries attended his funeral?

A: His funeral on May 4, 1980, was attended by representatives of 128 out of 154 UN member countries.

Q: What are people's views about his leadership?

A: People have strong and differing views about his leadership. He has been described by some critics as an authoritarian and a benevolent dictator.

Q: Was Tito a controversial person?

A: Yes, Tito was a controversial person.

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