Who was Jonathan Winters?

Q: Who was Jonathan Winters?

A: Jonathan Winters was an American comedian, television, stage, voice, movie actor, and artist who appeared in several television shows and movies.

Q: When was Jonathan Winters born and when did he die?

A: Jonathan Winters was born on November 11, 1925, and he died on April 11, 2013.

Q: What was Jonathan Winters known for in the 2011 movie The Smurfs?

A: Jonathan Winters was known for voicing Papa Smurf in the 2011 movie The Smurfs.

Q: Was Jonathan Winters a stage actor?

A: Yes, Jonathan Winters was a stage actor.

Q: Did Jonathan Winters perform in any other Christmas movies besides The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol?

A: There is no information in the text that suggests Jonathan Winters performed in any other Christmas movies besides The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol.

Q: Who replaced Jonathan Winters as Papa Smurf in The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol?

A: Jack Angel replaced Jonathan Winters as Papa Smurf in The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol.

Q: Besides acting, what other skills did Jonathan Winters possess?

A: Jonathan Winters was also an artist in addition to being a comedian, television, stage, voice, and movie actor.

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