When was John Logie Baird born?

Q: When was John Logie Baird born?

A: John Logie Baird was born on 13 August 1888.

Q: What was John Logie Baird's profession?

A: John Logie Baird was a Scottish engineer and inventor.

Q: What did John Logie Baird invent?

A: John Logie Baird invented the world's first working television system and the world's first fully electronic colour television tube.

Q: What is John Logie Baird best known for?

A: John Logie Baird is best known for inventing the world's first working television system.

Q: When did John Logie Baird die?

A: John Logie Baird died on 14 June 1946.

Q: What country was John Logie Baird from?

A: John Logie Baird was from Scotland.

Q: What was the significance of John Logie Baird's inventions?

A: John Logie Baird's inventions revolutionized the field of communication and entertainment, paving the way for modern television technology.

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