Who was John Dee?
Q: Who was John Dee?
A: John Dee was an English mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, geographer, occultist and consultant to Queen Elizabeth One.
Q: What subjects was John Dee interested in?
A: John Dee was interested in alchemy, divination, Hermetic philosophy, mathematics, astronomy and navigation.
Q: Was John Dee a famous person of his time?
A: Yes, John Dee was one of the most learned men of his time and lectured to crowded halls at the University of Paris when still in his early twenties.
Q: What did John Dee contribute to English exploration?
A: John Dee trained many of those who would go on voyages of discovery for England and he coined the term "British Empire".
Q: What did John Dee write about?
A: John Dee wrote Monas Hieroglyphica ("The Hieroglyphic Monad") in 1564 which was about Kabbala and alchemy. He also wrote the preface to the first English translation of Euclid's works.
Q: Was magic and Hermetic philosophy thought of as science during John Dee's time?
A: Yes, during John Dee's time, magic and Hermetic philosophy were thought to be part of science.
Q: When did John Dee die?
A: John Dee died in 1608 or 1609.