What is a blockade?

Q: What is a blockade?

A: A blockade is a physical blockage of a port or other place, usually used of enemy ships surrounding a port.

Q: What is the purpose of a blockade?

A: The purpose of a blockade is to make sure that supplies, troops, information or aid do not reach an opposing force.

Q: Where are blockades used?

A: Blockades are used in nearly all military campaigns and are the tool of choice for economic warfare on an opposing nation.

Q: Is the International Criminal Court considering blockades as acts of war?

A: Yes, the International Criminal Court planned to include blockades against coasts and ports in its list of acts of war in 2009.

Q: Who uses blockades in military campaigns?

A: Blockades are used in nearly all military campaigns.

Q: What is economic warfare?

A: Economic warfare is a type of warfare that involves using economic means, such as blockades and sanctions, to weaken an enemy's economy.

Q: How are blockades used in economic warfare?

A: Blockades are often the tool of choice for economic warfare on an opposing nation.

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