Who was Jimmy Durante?

Q: Who was Jimmy Durante?

A: Jimmy Durante was an American singer, pianist, comedian, writer, and actor.

Q: What was Jimmy Durante's famous nickname?

A: Jimmy Durante's famous nickname was The Great Schnozzola, which referred to his big nose.

Q: What was Jimmy Durante known for, in addition to his big nose?

A: Jimmy Durante was known for his deep raspy voice when he said "Ha-Cha-Cha-Cha-Cha-Chaaaaa!".

Q: What award did Jimmy Durante win in 1952?

A: Jimmy Durante won an Emmy Award in 1952.

Q: When was Jimmy Durante born and when did he die?

A: Jimmy Durante was born on February 10, 1893 and died on January 29, 1980.

Q: What were some of the professions that Jimmy Durante had?

A: Jimmy Durante was a singer, pianist, comedian, writer, and actor.

Q: What was the reason behind Jimmy Durante's nickname?

A: Jimmy Durante's nickname, The Great Schnozzola, was a reference to his big nose.

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