What is Jenny Frost known for?

Q: What is Jenny Frost known for?

A: Jenny Frost is known for being a British singer, television presenter, and model.

Q: When was Jenny Frost born?

A: Jenny Frost was born on February 22, 1978.

Q: Where was Jenny Frost born?

A: Jenny Frost was born in Wallasey, Merseyside, which is located in the United Kingdom.

Q: Where was Jenny Frost raised?

A: Jenny Frost was raised in Manchester, which is also located in the United Kingdom.

Q: What girl groups was Jenny Frost a member of?

A: Jenny Frost was a member of girl groups Precious and Atomic Kitten.

Q: What television shows has Jenny Frost presented?

A: Jenny Frost has presented television shows such as Snog Marry Avoid? and OK! TV.

Q: What is the background of Jenny Frost?

A: Jenny Frost was born in Wallasey, Merseyside, and raised in Manchester. She has been a member of girl groups Precious and Atomic Kitten and has presented television shows such as Snog Marry Avoid? and OK! TV.

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