What is Jeb Bush's full name?

Q: What is Jeb Bush's full name?

A: John Ellis "Jeb" Bush.

Q: When was Jeb Bush born?

A: February 11, 1953.

Q: Who are Jeb Bush's parents?

A: His parents are former President George H. W. Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush.

Q: What did Jeb do after his father ran for Vice President in 1980?

A: He moved to Florida and pursued a career in real estate development.

Q: What position did he hold in 1986?

A: He was named Florida's Secretary of Commerce in 1986.
Q: How many times did he run for governor of Florida? A: He ran twice, losing the first election by less than two percentage points to the incumbent Lawton Chiles and winning the second with 56 percent of the vote to become Florida's first two-term Republican governor.

Q: What reforms did he make during his time as governor of Florida? A: He helped create environmental improvements, such as conservation in the Everglades, supported caps for medical malpractice litigation, moved Medicaid recipients to private systems, and created reforms to the state education system including issuing vouchers and promoting school choice.

Q: Did Jeb run for president in 2016? A: Yes, he was a candidate for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential election

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