Who is Jan-Ove Waldner?

Q: Who is Jan-Ove Waldner?

A: Jan-Ove Waldner is a male table tennis player from Sweden.

Q: What is his birthdate and place of birth?

A: He was born on October 3, 1965, in Stockholm.

Q: What is his achievement in table tennis?

A: He was the third man in table tennis history to become Grand-Slam champion.

Q: Where did Jan-Ove Waldner play most recently?

A: He played until 2012 in the German club TTC Röhn-Sprudel Fulda Maberzell.

Q: Was he the best Swedish table tennis player?

A: Yes, he was the best Swedish table tennis player.

Q: What is his specialty sport?

A: His specialty sport is table tennis.

Q: Has Jan-Ove Waldner retired from professional table tennis?

A: Yes, Jan-Ove Waldner has retired from professional table tennis.

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