When was James E. Hansen born?

Q: When was James E. Hansen born?

A: James E. Hansen was born on March 29, 1941 in Denison, Iowa.

Q: What is the current record level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

A: The current record level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is 389 ppm.

Q: What university did Hansen study astronomy and physics at?

A: Hansen studied astronomy and physics at the University of Iowa during the 1960s.

Q: What award did he receive for his research on global warming in 2001?

A: In 2001, Hansen received a US$250,000 Heinz Environment Award for his research on global warming.

Q: How much higher is the current CO2 emissions per capita than pre-industrial revolution levels?

A: The current CO2 emissions per capita are almost 40% higher than pre-industrial revolution levels.

Q: What book has Hansen written about climate change?

A: Storms of My Grandchildren is Hansens first book about climate change.

Q: What open letter did Dr. Hansen co-author in 2013?

A:In 2013, Dr.Hansen co-authored an open letter saying "continued opposition to nuclear power threatens humanity's ability to avoid dangerous climate change."

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