Who was Ieng Thirith?

Q: Who was Ieng Thirith?

A: Ieng Thirith was a Cambodian figure and political criminal in the Khmer Rouge.

Q: What was Ieng Thirith's maiden name?

A: Ieng Thirith's maiden name was Khieu.

Q: When was Ieng Thirith born?

A: Ieng Thirith was born on March 10, 1932.

Q: Was Ieng Thirith a member of the Khmer Rouge Standing Committee?

A: No, Ieng Thirith was not a member of the Khmer Rouge Standing Committee.

Q: What was Ieng Thirith's husband's position in the Khmer Rouge regime?

A: Ieng Thirith's husband, Ieng Sary, was the minister of foreign affairs of Democratic Kampuchea's Khmer Rouge regime.

Q: When did Ieng Thirith serve as Minister of Social Affairs?

A: Ieng Thirith served as Minister of Social Affairs from October 1975 until the fall of the Khmer Rouge in 1979.

Q: When did Ieng Thirith pass away?

A: Ieng Thirith passed away on August 22, 2015.

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