Who is Ibrahim Sekagya?

Q: Who is Ibrahim Sekagya?

A: Ibrahim Sekagya is a Ugandan football player.

Q: When was Ibrahim Sekagya born?

A: Ibrahim Sekagya was born on December 19, 1980, in Kampala.

Q: What is Ibrahim Sekagya's position in the field?

A: Ibrahim Sekagya is a defender.

Q: What team does Ibrahim Sekagya play for?

A: Ibrahim Sekagya currently plays for Red Bull Salzburg in the Austrian Bundesliga.

Q: In which league does Red Bull Salzburg compete?

A: Red Bull Salzburg competes in the Austrian Bundesliga.

Q: What is the nationality of Ibrahim Sekagya?

A: Ibrahim Sekagya is Ugandan.

Q: What is Ibrahim Sekagya's age?

A: Based on the information provided, Ibrahim Sekagya is currently in his forties, but without additional information, it is difficult to determine his exact age.

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