What is Hiroshi Miyamura's Japanese name like?

Q: What is Hiroshi Miyamura's Japanese name like?

A: In Hiroshi Miyamura's Japanese name, the family name comes first.

Q: What was Hiroshi Miyamura's rank in the United States Army?

A: The text doesn't provide information about Hiroshi Miyamura's rank in the United States Army.

Q: Why did Hiroshi Miyamura receive the Medal of Honor?

A: Hiroshi Miyamura received the Medal of Honor because of his actions in the Korean War.

Q: When was Hiroshi Miyamura born?

A: Hiroshi Miyamura was born on October 6, 1925.

Q: Did Hiroshi Miyamura fight for Japan or the United States?

A: Hiroshi Miyamura fought for the United States.

Q: What was Hiroshi Miyamura's nickname?

A: Hiroshi Miyamura's nickname was Hershey.

Q: Which military conflict did Hiroshi Miyamura participate in?

A: Hiroshi Miyamura participated in the Korean War.

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