When was Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd born?
Q: When was Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd born?
A: Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd was born on 8 September 1901.
Q: Where were his parents from?
A: His parents were from the Netherlands.
Q: What position did he hold in 1950?
A: In 1950, Verwoerd became Minister of Native Affairs.
Q: Who attempted to murder him in 1960?
A: In 1960, a white farmer named David Pratt attempted to murder Verwoerd by shooting him.
Q: What referendum did he announce in 1960?
A: In 1960, Verwoerd announced that he planned to hold a referendum in South Africa on whether to remain a Commonwealth realm under the British monarch's rule or become a republic.
Q: When did South Africa become a republic?
A: South Africa became a republic on May 31, 1961.
Q: What military developments successfully made by the National Party government under Verowoerd?
A: The National Party government under Verowoerd successfully made new developments in arms production including aircraft, small arms, armed vehicles, and even nuclear weapons.