When was Hahm Eun-jung born?

Q: When was Hahm Eun-jung born?

A: Hahm Eun-jung was born on December 12, 1988.

Q: What is Hahm Eun-jung's profession?

A: Hahm Eun-jung is a South Korean singer and actress.

Q: What is the stage name of Hahm Eun-jung?

A: Hahm Eun-jung's stage name is Eunjung, and she is also known as Elsie.

Q: What group has Hahm Eun-jung been a member of since 2009?

A: Hahm Eun-jung has been a member of the girl group T-ara since 2009.

Q: Does Hahm Eun-jung perform as a solo artist?

A: Yes, Hahm Eun-jung also performs as a solo artist.

Q: Is Hahm Eun-jung involved in acting?

A: Yes, Hahm Eun-jung is an actress in movies and television.

Q: What is the notable thing about Hahm Eun-jung's profession?

A: Hahm Eun-jung is known for being a multi-talented artist, as she is involved in singing, acting, and performing as a solo artist.

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