When was Grant Holt born?

Q: When was Grant Holt born?

A: Grant Holt was born on April 12, 1981.

Q: Where was Grant Holt born?

A: Grant Holt was born in Carlisle, Cumbria.

Q: What is Grant Holt's profession?

A: Grant Holt is a professional footballer.

Q: Which football club does Grant Holt currently play for?

A: Grant Holt currently plays for Wigan Athletic F.C.

Q: What is Grant Holt's position in football?

A: Grant Holt is a top scoring striker in football.

Q: What awards has Grant Holt won during his time at Norwich?

A: Grant Holt was Norwich's Player of the Year in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Q: What is Grant Holt's nationality?

A: Grant Holt is English.

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