When was Garry Emmanuel Shandling born?

Q: When was Garry Emmanuel Shandling born?

A: Garry Emmanuel Shandling was born on November 29, 1949.

Q: What was Garry Shandling's nationality?

A: Garry Shandling was an American.

Q: What was Garry Shandling known for?

A: Garry Shandling was best known for his work in It's Garry Shandling's Show and The Larry Sanders Show.

Q: What was Garry Shandling's profession?

A: Garry Shandling was a comedian, actor, writer, producer and director.

Q: When did Garry Shandling pass away?

A: Garry Shandling passed away on March 24, 2016.

Q: What was the name of the show that Garry Shandling starred in?

A: Garry Shandling starred in It's Garry Shandling's Show and The Larry Sanders Show.

Q: Was Garry Shandling a famous personality in America?

A: Yes, Garry Shandling was a famous personality in America due to his comedic talent and contributions to the entertainment industry.

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