Who was Franz Kafka?
Q: Who was Franz Kafka?
A: Franz Kafka was a Czech-born, German-speaking writer known for his works including The Metamorphosis, The Trial, and The Castle.
Q: When was Franz Kafka born and when did he die?
A: Franz Kafka was born on July 3, 1883, in Prague and died on June 3, 1924, near Vienna.
Q: Were all of Franz Kafka's works published during his lifetime?
A: No, not much of Kafka's work was published during his lifetime.
Q: What did Franz Kafka ask his friend to do with his unpublished writings when he died?
A: Franz Kafka asked his friend to destroy all his writings which were not published, including his three novels, when he died.
Q: Did Franz Kafka's friend destroy his unpublished writings after his death?
A: No, fortunately, Kafka's friend did not destroy his unpublished writings, including his three novels.
Q: What are Kafka's writings about?
A: Kafka's writings are about the frightening world around him which he often did not understand. They feature typically Kafkaesque situations, where people find themselves in nightmarish situations.
Q: What is the meaning of the term "Kafkaesque situations"?
A: "Kafkaesque situations" are nightmarish situations where people find themselves in strange, confusing situations with no clear resolution or understanding, taking inspiration from Franz Kafka's writing.