Who was Francesc Eiximenis?
Q: Who was Francesc Eiximenis?
A: Francesc Eiximenis was a Franciscan Catalan writer who lived in the Crown of Aragon in the 14th century.
Q: When was Francesc Eiximenis born and when did he die?
A: Francesc Eiximenis was born around 1330 and died around 1409 in Perpinyà.
Q: What was Francesc Eiximenis' contribution to Catalan literature?
A: Francesc Eiximenis was possibly one of the most important medieval Catalan writers whose works were read, copied, published and translated in many places.
Q: Who were some of the important people who read the works of Eiximenis?
A: The kings of the Crown of Aragon Peter IV, John I and Martin I, the queen Maria de Luna and the Pope of Avignon Benedict XIII read the works of Eiximenis.
Q: Did Francesc Eiximenis have any influence in politics?
A: Yes, Francesc Eiximenis had a strong influence in literacy and politics.
Q: In which places were the works of Eiximenis read, copied, published and translated?
A: The works of Eiximenis were read, copied, published and translated in many places.
Q: What was the importance of Francesc Eiximenis' works?
A: Francesc Eiximenis' works were important because they had a strong influence in literacy and politics, and were read, copied, published and translated in many places.