Who was Ferdinand Lassalle?
Q: Who was Ferdinand Lassalle?
A: Ferdinand Lassalle was a German jurist and socialist politician.
Q: Where was he born?
A: He was born in Breslau.
Q: What did his father send him to study?
A: His father sent him to a business school in Leipzig.
Q: What did he later study at the University of Breslau?
A: He studied Philosophy, Philology (Latin and Ancient Greek) and Law.
Q: What happened during the revolutions of 1848-49?
A: During the revolutions of 1848-49, Lassalle was put into prison and later banned from Berlin. He then lived in Düsseldorf for a time.
Q: How did Lassalle become involved with the Communist League?
A: After observing the living conditions of working class people, he concluded that self-help would not help them, so he joined the Communist League as a result.
Q:What party did Lassalle found in 1863?
A:Lassalle founded the Allgemeiner Deutscher Arbeiterverein (General German Workers' Association, ADAV) in 1863 which later became known as the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD).