Who is Emma Haruka Iwao?

Q: Who is Emma Haruka Iwao?

A: Emma Haruka Iwao is a Japanese computer scientist at Google.

Q: What record did Emma Haruka Iwao break?

A: Emma Haruka Iwao broke the record for the most accurate value of pi (π) by calculating it to 31.4 trillion digits, which was longer than the past record of 22 trillion digits.

Q: When did Emma Haruka Iwao make this calculation?

A: Emma Haruka Iwao made this calculation in 2019.

Q: What is pi (π)?

A: Pi (π) is a mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, which is approximately equal to 3.14159.

Q: Why is the calculation of pi (π) important?

A: The calculation of pi (π) is important in mathematics and science because it is used in formulas related to geometry, trigonometry, and calculus.

Q: How is pi (π) typically approximated?

A: Pi (π) is typically approximated as 3.14 or 22/7.

Q: What is the significance of Emma Haruka Iwao's accomplishment?

A: Emma Haruka Iwao's accomplishment of calculating the world's most accurate value of pi (π) is significant because it advances the field of mathematics and computing, and can also have practical applications in areas such as cryptography and data encryption.

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